Program Overview

WATS participants take the SAT, ACT or EXPLORE examinations to evaluate their strengths, to gain experience, and to qualify for awards and special programming. All participants receive a participation certificate, score interpretation information, and a regional summer opportunities guide. High-scoring students are invited to a regional WATS Recognition Ceremony. WATS offers information, forms, and assistance to help students select and register for the SAT, ACT, and/or EXPLORE tests. In the spring, students are sent an Interpretive Guide to help them understand their scores and review how they scored relative to other academically talented students their age. Students also receive access to our Educational Resources Page describing educational opportunities for high ability students in the region and across the country. In addition, participation certificates are sent to schools for each WATS student in celebration of their outstanding abilities. WATS serves 3rd through 9th grade students in the following states: Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, and can accommodate out-of-region requests in special circumstances.

Test Availability by Grade Level

Grade 3     X
Grade 4     X
Grade 5     X
Grade 6 X X X
Grade 7 X X  
Grade 8 X X  
Grade 9 X X