Summer Opportunities Guide

Southern Methodist University College Experience

Name of Institution: Southern Methodist University

Program Title: TAG

Program Type: Summer Residential

Program Date Information: July 10-29, 2011

Grades/Age Levels: Rising 8th-10th graders


College was a blast, now I’m ready for high school!
TAG is open to students entering grades 8-10 in 2011-12. During this three-week residential program, students participate in two stimulating classes chosen from a wide selection of SMU credit and noncredit courses. Recreational and cultural enrichment activities are provided for TAG students as well. Three-hour credit courses include:

  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Political Science
  • Art History
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Music

Noncredit courses include Mock Trial, Theater Arts, Urban Geography, Kinesiology, Writing, and Greek studies.

Admissions Criteria:

SAT/ACT; Grades; Essays; Teacher Recommendations

Cost: $3365

Application Deadline: Rolling

Financial Aid: Limited

Location: Dallas, TX


  • Name: Marilyn Swanson
  • Title: Director of Programming
  • Address: PO Box 750383
  • City/State/ZIP: Dallas TX 75275-0383
  • Telephone: 214-768-0123
  • Fax: 214-768-3147
  • Email address:
  • Web address: