Student Conduct

CBK Summer Programs maintain high expectations for student conduct. As residential programs, students live and learn together in collaborative, supportive, and safe environments both in and out of class. Students from all walks of life attend these programs, and the CBK Programs Honor Code must be followed, regardless of higher levels of independence that students may be accustomed to at home in order to ensure a safe experience for everyone. All participants are expected to treat students across programs, instructors and TAs, residential staff, program staff, and university employees and students with respect as representatives of CBK programs. Behavioral expectations and program rules are sent to families with acceptance packets. Applicants must sign the Honor Code after fully reviewing the form. Specific expectations are outlined for each program in the Welcome Packet, which is again reviewed during orientation.

Bullying, sexual harassment, teasing of a sexual nature or regarding sexuality or gender, curfew abuses or hall access violations, vandalism, physical or emotional violence including excessive horseplay or threats to self, and use of any controlled substances are grounds for immediate dismissal from the program without refund. 

We pride ourselves on providing a safe environment, both physically and emotionally, in which our students thrive and to which they can feel comfortable returning. As a result, the majority of our students do come back to their second “family” each summer. Our behavioral expectations are in place to both protect our participants and to ensure an enjoyable stay on campus. These are zero tolerance policies due to program length and intensity. Should a student be dismissed from the program, the Executive Director of CBK will contact the student’s family. Families are required to remove the child from campus or make arrangements to remove the child from campus within 6 hours. Parents must make immediate travel arrangements at their own expense. Program fees will not be refunded. If you have any questions, please contact CBK immediately.

Homework and Attendance

Because of the intensity of the academic portion of the program, and because we stress the importance of residential activities, extensive homework will not be assigned to students in the summer programs. Students in GLOW and Luminary may be assigned short readings or practice problems for the evening, but the expectation is that students fully participate in playing hard after class as much as thinking hard during class. Both of the older students’ programs also include an evening class period during which the majority of extended work should be completed. Students unable to keep up with the course pace during the day should speak with their instructors immediately so that we can help them to be successful.

Attendance is required for the duration of the program. Non-participation may result in dismissal. Because sharing activities and responsibilities with classmates is such an important part of the experience, families should not plan to visit or pick up their child for other activities during the program.

For the security of your children, arrangements to leave campus may only be considered at least two weeks in advance of the program or in an emergency with the Executive Director. We hope that families will encourage the self-confidence that comes with independence and the self-esteem that comes from interacting with peers for the entirety of the program.

Specific agreements regarding participation and expectations for both class and the residential portion of the program are included in forms upon acceptance. This program is a commitment that we want your kids invested in as much as you!