a bright spot for bright kids...

What Makes Vector Different for Gifted Kids

Education is not an affair of 'telling' and being told, but an active and constructive process.
John Dewey


Vector is specifically designed based on best practices for gifted education. All of our methodology, curriculum design, and practice is based in research that supports a progressive model as the best fit for students who already think outside of the box, strive beyond margins, challenge the known, and need to continually pursue "what's next."


The development of our community at Vector feels like family. Awareness of and care for socioemotional needs is a critical component of building trust and respect for one another. These elements allow for long-lasting, authentic relationships with a diversity of ways of being in and perspectives about the world.


The capacity of the human spirit to transcend the mundane - to move from a place of compassion, wisdom, and awareness that all is connected (Grant, 2002). The development of a strong sense of self-awareness allows us to be in relationship with that sense of connectedness and inner strength.