a bright spot for bright kids...

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I’m so excited about Vector Progressive School and the unique opportunity it offers for our gifted teens. I believe that Dr. Amy and her team intrinsically understand what a gifted teen needs, not only because of their combined experience with running the CBK program for 20+ years, but also because most of them know what it was like to be a curious, quirky, and sensitive gifted teen themselves. I can think of no one else I would trust more to lead, encourage, and inspire my two gifted middle schoolers as they enter this next stage of their lives.
The Pates

Quick Facts

Vector is an independent school, not a charter – this allows us to appropriately accelerate and shape curriculum, that while well-designed to meet and exceed state standards, is not tied to state testing or required ways to access or limit that curriculum.

While magnets, centers, online, or pullout programs work for some kids, they don’t work for all kids. Vector is an entire GT school community, rather than a round or pull-out, that specifically serves the GT population with a national reputation that precedes its programming.

Vector is focused on socioemotional development as much as academic success. In our minds, one goes with the other, and our kids’ emotional needs are not to be exoticized, problematized, or minimized into a few “mindfulness” practices.

Vector is a small school – enrollments are held to 40-60 kids across the entire school community, with classrooms of 10-14 kids served by two co-teaching professionals. We work to know and understand each and every kid with personal connections and relationships we call our “family.”

Our curriculum is integrated and interdisciplinary, meaning that everything we know about how gifted kids think and learn is embedded in comprehensive problem-based, student-driven units versus a TV tray of prescribed one-content-area-at-a-time modeling. This also allows us to accelerate students as appropriate, rather than only allowing accelerative models that demand grade-skipping or limit kids to one level increase per year (for example, Algebra 1 to Geometry only). Our learning is driven by big, essential, global human questions into which all content areas bleed – more like life itself outside of a traditional school world. See CU Boulder’s recent article on reimagining schools and section on “Why Is the Sky Blue?”

Our “grade levels” are multiaged, meaning that kids traditionally in middle school or high school are blended into multi-grade loops that allow us to deeply understand and know kids, to model mentoring and socioemotional supports, and to create an authentic community that embraces the many levels of maturity where kids aged 11-18 find themselves.

CBK and thereby Vector have successfully worked with kids identified as 2ed/twice-exceptional for decades and we are a national leader in much of that discourse. We know that the majority of our gifted population have unique learning needs that may extend into identification for additional services. We are able to provide support for most of those needs, particularly in terms of neurodiversity.

While the pandemic has revealed that online learning can be a tool for many kids, particularly those needing acceleration, at Vector we believe fully in in-person learning. There is not an online option available, as we know from decades of research that what our kids need more of is personal connection, the ability to discuss ideas and “feel” the room, support in working collaboratively, and success in sharing innovative concepts. An online community just cannot provide the community our kids need, and while some are happy to remain independent in their studies, we firmly believe our kids must still find their people beyond the screens.

Why Now? A Welcome From Our Executive Director

We couldn’t be happier that you are trying to decide if Vector is the right fit for you! We are thrilled to be opening the dream of a lifetime in bringing everything we know and have done over the past 40 years in our curricular design, pedagogical practice, socioemotional supports, and daily methodology, finally for the full academic year. 

As we near the end of the pandemic and a national reevaluation of educational models, CBK feels this is the rights time to expand its offerings and provide an academic year home for gifted students in addition to our residential summer programs. For 40 years, CBK has served the needs of gifted kids and families with a national reputation for both academic rigor and an authentic community focused on seeing these kids as much as challenging them. 

Students and parents alike have requested that CBK build a school, with many students communicating that their home schooling environments moved too slowly, limited acceleration, and never tried to understand who they are emotionally or individually, citing schools that were only focused on testing or AP or IB (not the same thing as gifted education), nods to kids who were ahead but a focus on who was behind, a lack of understanding their intense love for a topic, a focus on seeing kids as having deficits or oddities rather than assets and uniqueness, and pressure to be the best rather than caring what costs that pressure demands. We remember to do this with our younger kids. But our big kids seem to be mostly forgotten. Never more so than now must we create connection for big kids as they sprint toward adulthood. At CBK, we are very good at this.

Vector is a home we are very excited to share with you and hope you will share with others.

Be who you are. Be seen.

The time is now. The place is here. We’re ready. C’mon home.

– Dr. Amy Rushneck, Executive Director